🎉Let your voice be heard. We're on a mission to create your Book

Terms and Condition

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the services provided by Divine Publications. By using our services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. Please read them carefully.

 Service Agreement

  • Services : Divine Publications provides publishing services, including but not limited to book creation, distribution, and marketing.
  • Acceptance: By using our services, you acknowledge and agree to these Terms.
  • Changes : Divine Publications may update these Terms as necessary. You will be notified of any significant changes, and the revised Terms will be posted on our website.


Personal Information Privacy Policy: Your use of our services is also governed by our Privacy Policy. Please review our Privacy Policy to understand how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.

Payment and Fees

  • Payment: You agree to pay the fees associated with the services you choose. Payments are processed through secure, third-party payment processors.
  • Refunds: Refund policies vary based on the specific service you have purchased. Please refer to the service-specific terms for refund details.


Manuscripts and Content

  • Ownership: You retain ownership and copyright of the content you provide. Divine Publications does not claim ownership of your work.
  • Use: We use your content solely for the purpose of providing publishing services, including creating, distributing, and marketing your book.


Author Responsibilities

  • Manuscript : You are responsible for providing a complete and accurate manuscript for your book.
  • Rights: You must have the rights to the content you submit and ensure it does not infringe on third-party rights.
  • Content Review: You are responsible for reviewing and approving all content, including book covers and interior layouts.


Content Guidelines -Compliance: Your content must comply with legal and ethical standards. Divine Publications reserves the right to refuse service for content that violates these standards.

Marketing and Promotion – Consent: We may promote your books and services but only with your explicit consent.

Data Security – Security: Divine Publications takes measures to protect your personal information but cannot guarantee absolute security. You acknowledge the risks of transmitting data over the internet.

Limitation of Liability

  • No Guarantee: While we strive for excellence, Divine Publications does not guarantee the success, sales, or reception of your book.
  • Indemnification: You agree to indemnify and hold Divine Publications harmless from any claims or liabilities arising from your use of our services.


Termination – Termination: Divine Publications reserves the right to terminate services if you violate these Terms or if deemed necessary for legal or ethical reasons.

Governing Law – Jurisdiction: These Terms are governed by the laws of Bhiwadi jurisdiction, and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that jurisdiction.

Contact Us – Questions: If you have questions or concerns about these Terms, please contact us at +91 9145965051 and  viditvaprakashan@gmail.com. By using our services, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. Divine Publications is dedicated to providing you with quality publishing services and supporting your author journey. Please reach out if you have any questions or require clarification regarding these Terms.